Israel ranked dead last in gender equality among OECD countries, according to a recently published SIGI (Gender Discrimination Index) report.
The legal sector, however, does show signs for optimism. According to Legal-BI the ratio between male and female lawyers is 53% and 47% respectively. However, looking at the 2023 individual rankings, published by Chambers and Legal 500, we can see that only 26% of those ranked are female. Why optimism? In 2021 the percentage was 23% and in 2022 24%. The legal sector is much more aware and in tune to global market trends. This can be illustrated by the gap in the top-tier rankings (partners who have been ranked for many years) and the bottom tiers (which reflect new additions each year). In 2023, we counted 315 lawyers in the top tier, but only 25% of them are female. The bottom tier is home to 166 lawyers, 41% of them are female.

Looking by practices, labor and employment is female dominant with 60% of the individuals ranked. Investment and venture capital is also female led with 66% and M&A fund formation is 50% male and female. Other practices where women are closing the gap are: Banking and finance (30% of ranked individuals are female), infrastructure (31%), healthcare (31%), telecoms and media (36%).
The law firms that stand out, with regards to equality between male and female lawyers, according to the individual rankings are:
Amit Pollak Matalon – the only top-20 law firm that has more females ranked than males (63% of the 11 ranked are female).
FBC and Herzog – Among the firms with the most individual rankings and what makes them special is that they manage to show diversity and equality, with 42% and 41% respectively of those ranked being female. FBC has (45 lawyers ranked in total and Herzog 46).
Naschitz and Barnea also appear with 40%, but it should be noted they have less individuals ranked than FBC and Herzog. (Barnea have 10 lawyers ranked in total and Naschitz 15).
Agmon – 37% female (19 lawyers ranked in total).
Firon – 33% (15 lawyers ranked in total).
Arnon, Tadmor-Levy – 31% (39 lawyers ranked in total).

*According to Chambers and Legal 500 individual rankings (not including recommended lawyers in Legal 500). Each individual is counted once. Firms shown have over 10 lawyers ranked and above 30% females ranked.