
The banking sector in Israel has always been in the headlines. Recently, financial paper Globes published an article stating that Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim are neck and neck in the market cap race. In light of this, we used market intelligence platform, Legal-BI, to scout who are the law firms acting for these banks and in which practices. It is […]

The recent mega-merger of Goldfarb Seligman with Gross Law Firm (Goldfarb Gross Seligman), is proving itself in the hi-tech sector. According to competitive intelligence platform Legal-BI, the merged firm has the most clients in the tech sector (12.44%) followed by Meitar  (11.93%), Herzog(11.48%) and Shibolet (7%). Three additional law firms have over 5% and together, all 7 firms, constitute for […]

Israel ranked dead last in gender equality among OECD countries, according to a recently published SIGI (Gender Discrimination Index) report.  The legal sector, however, does show signs for optimism. According to Legal-BI the ratio between male and female lawyers is 53% and 47% respectively. However, looking at the 2023 individual rankings, published by Chambers and […]

International Women’s Day is about gender equality and celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political  achievements of women. The legal sector in Israel is fairly equal, with 47 per cent of female lawyers. However, crucially, only 25 per cent of ranked individuals in the international legal rankings guides are female – 2 per cent more […]